1 About

Hi, I’m Bart and this is my first open access book entitled:

“Romeo and Julia, where Romeo is Basic Statistics”

In this book I will explore some basic statistics (the way I see it) with Julia. Actually, I wrote the book for myself from the past. Too bad the past me won’t be able to read it. Nevertheless, I hope it is gonna be of value to someone that resembles me from the old days. Additionally, I wrote it to solidify my own knowledge of statistics and Julia, after all they say we best teach that of what we learn :) Still, the book may contain some errors so don’t believe everything you read here.

Who am I (not)? I’m not a statistician, a mathematician, or a computer scientist, but a biologist by education. Nowadays, I’m a programming enthusiast. To be honest, statistics was not my favorite subject when I was at college. I didn’t quite get it then, I got it somewhat better now. Hopefully all this will make the book easier to digest, although possibly a little biased towards biology.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I’m not an English native speaker (keep that in mind while reading this book). Still, despite all the book’s (and mine) flaws, I hope you will find it useful (it is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license).

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Bartlomiej Lukaszuk