7.1 Chapter imports

Later in this chapter we are going to use the following libraries

import CairoMakie as Cmk
import CSV as Csv
import DataFrames as Dfs
import Distributions as Dsts
import GLM as Glm
import MultipleTesting as Mt
import Random as Rand
import RDatasets as RD
import Statistics as Stats

If you want to follow along you should have them installed on your system. A reminder of how to deal (install and such) with packages can be found here. But wait, you may prefer to use Project.toml and Manifest.toml files from the code snippets for this chapter to install the required packages. The instructions you will find here.

The imports will be placed in the code snippet when first used, but I thought it is a good idea to put them here, after all imports should be at the top of your file (so here they are at the top of the chapter). Moreover, that way they will be easier to find all in one place.

If during the lecture of this chapter you find a piece of code of unknown functionality, just go to the code snippets mentioned above and run the code from the *.jl file. Once you have done that you can always extract a small piece of it and test it separately (modify and experiment with it if you wish).

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Bartlomiej Lukaszuk